Monday, 23 May 2011

The Barefoot Experiment

The experiment with minimalist shoes started late last summer after I became tired of dealing with knee problems associated with IT band issues.

My first part of this experiment involved the Vibram FiveFingers KSO.

I eased into the whole thing slowly, running shorter distances at a time over the last portion of the summer.  I felt great, and was able to run much faster without any knee pain.

This spring, I bought another pair of FiveFingers....the Bikila.

Again, I took my time with the mileage, and felt great.

Yesterday however, on a routine run I ended up getting a significant amount of pain across the front of my right foot.  Today, I can't put any pressure on the front of the foot at all.

Not sure what I've done, but perhaps I need a shoe with a little more cushioning across the forefoot.

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